33 ANGLERS, 5 ROUGH FISH SPECIES, One of our highly-respected pro-staffers (John Beaudette) and I were sitting at work one day in the late spring of 2018 eating some fried chicken. John got sick of me rambling on all day about bass tournaments non-stop. He then made the comment that "real anglers" fish the riverbanks and don't need boats. I told him I had to agree since I had a blast in my younger days fishing the shores of the Chippewa River for rough fish. John proposed an idea to organize a multi-species riverbank tournament that lasts all summer long, something that can run without anglers meeting, no time limits or long drives to a launch or weigh-in. I mentioned this to a few catfish anglers and they were very interested. Of course it was too late in the year to start the tournament in June of 2018, so he made sure to remind me in the brutal dead of winter in 2019. I put together a list of ideas and rules, sent out the plan on social media, and we had 33 anglers pay up a very small entry fee to get this fun tournament started. This morning at MIDNIGHT, the 2019 Riverbank Rally had STARTED! BASIC RULES/PAYOUTSThe rules are pretty simple in this all-summer event. Basically we are having 5 different tournaments in one, looking for the longest of each species to win. These 5 species are the following: -sucker/redhorse -common carp -channel, flathead, blue catfish -smallmouth buffalo -freshwater drum (sheepshead) The anglers have from April 6-August 30 to catch and photo the longest fish of these categories and submit them to us. To prevent the use of fish pics from years past, each photo must contain a special code that was generated this week. The anglers are using the "honor system" for the all-summer tournaments and the cash winnings will be very low. The winner of each of these categories will win a trophy and double their entry fee in cash. All 5 winners will advance to the final championship round - a longest sturgeon contest on the Chippewa River in Eau Claire on September 7. All fish in the final round will be measured by Jesse Piontek while monitored by the competitors on the bank. The top 3 anglers on the championship round will win the remaining pot. Below pictured is the required code to be displayed in all entry pictures of fish (written on paper, cardstock, note cards, cardboard, etc:) AND HERE ARE THE PAYOUTS:$2 PER ANGLER WILL BE DONATED TO BECKY&MIKE IACONELLI'S THE IKE FOUNDATION, AND SAMANTHA GAY'S FISHERS OF KIDS ANGLER ACADEMY! SCOREBOARD THANK YOU TO ALL 33 ANGLERS THAT ARE JOINING US FOR THIS FUN COMPETITION! BEST OF LUCK AND I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AT THE CHAMPIONSHIP! A LINK TO THE FINAL RULES ARE AT THE BUTTON BELOW:
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AuthorJesse James is an avid fisherman that loves smallmouth bass fishing, loves spending time with his family, with other family-orientated people, and loves seeing children fish. A huge fan of BASSMASTER Elite Mike Iaconelli, like Mike, he is known to be a little strange, and obnoxious, but only to have fun and make people laugh. Archives
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